Christmas Jobs in Bristol & Bath

Festive Christmas Jobs in Bristol & Bath

Looking for a new role for the festive season? At Constellation, we’ll line you up with the perfect chef, hospitality or cleaning position with our Christmas jobs in Bristol & Bath.
Whether you’re passionate about cooking with the tastiest of festive flavours, giving guests the best hospitality experience or, maintaining the highest levels of cleanliness, you could find yourself working in some of the cities' most well-known venues.
So, if you’re looking for a short-term position to see you through until the new year or that next step to help boost your career, a role at Constellation could help get you there.

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Exciting chef roles

Here at Constellation, we’re looking for aspirational and experienced chefs passionate about crafting the finest festive food. This Christmas, Bristol and Bath are filled with opportunities.
jobs aren’t just a flash in the pan and we’re searching for enthusiastic and talented chefs to join our team.
Help create memorable experiences and succulent seasonal dishes as part of the Constellation team.

Bring the festive cheer

Help give guests an unforgettable time and a merry Christmas by being part of our catering and hospitality teams in Bath and Bristol. We’re after keen individuals who love nothing more than providing extraordinary service and experiences.
Whether you’re hosting jolly Christmas get-togethers or serving up appetising plates of the finest food, our catering and hospitality
jobs are the ideal way to bring joy this Christmas.
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Good clean Christmas fun

The best Christmas experiences don’t only need talented chefs and hospitality staff, they also need spotless sparkling venues.
We’re looking for people with an eye for detail, a love for making things spick-and-span and maintaining the highest possible hygiene standards.
If this sounds like you, then join our team with our stunning selection of
Christmas cleaning jobs in Bristol and Bath. 

Apply today 

Make memories this festive season and apply for one of our many Christmas jobs across Bristol and Bath today!


Keith Prowse
Jockey Club